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Friday 12th November 2004

Aedes Aegypti Increase
The mosquito that can transmit dengue fever, Aedes aegypti, has increased in numbers since Hurricane Ivan. However, health authorities assure that there is no cause for alarm given that there are no cases of dengue in the Cayman Islands.
Beach Restoration Moves Ahead
MC Restoration, the debris removal company, will undertake restoration of sand thrown up on beaches by Hurricane Ivan, while the Department of the Environment (DoE) will determine relocation sites.
Cayman Takes Time out for Thanksgiving
Cayman will take time out next Wednesday (17 November) for a National Day of Praise and Thanksgiving for protection and preservation of life during the recent passage of Hurricane Ivan. The event will be held in Heroes’ Square in the centre of George Town.
Chamber Workshops
The Back to Buinsess Forums of the Chamber of Commerce are aimed at providing small business owners and their employees with useful information to help in the recovery process. Here’s the schedule to the end of November:
Dealing with Post-Ivan Stress
According to experts, children who experience an initial traumatic event before they are 11-years-old are three times more likely to develop psychological symptoms than those who experience their first trauma as a teenager or later.
Derelict Vehicles
Over the next few weeks, the Vehicle Licensing Department will be removing and disposing of unclaimed derelict vehicles.
Disaster Assistance Centres Open
Finding information in the days after Ivan can sometimes be difficult. Hoping to create a “clearing house of information” the first Disaster Assistance Centres (DACs) opened on Wednesday 10 November in George Town and Bodden Town. These centres are operated by government under the Cayman Islands Recovery Operation and are located in all five districts across the island.
Disaster Assistance Centres Open
With the aim of creating a clearing house of information the first Disaster Assistance Centres (DACs) opened last Wednesday (10 November) in George Town and Bodden Town, with three more opening by weekend, each in the districts of North Side, East End and West Bay. Government operates these district centres under the auspices of the Cayman Islands Recovery Operation (CIRO).
Down the Marl Road
A huge PAN for people who are verbally abusive to the Airport Post Office employees. Apparently some of the Seven Mile Beach PO folks find picking their mail up at the APO inconvenient and have decided to vent their rage at APO employees. Hey! Yell at Ivan, punch a wall, talk to a counsellor; but smile at the clerks and say “Please,” “Thank-you,” and “I’m sorry for how I’ve been behaving.”
Representatives from the Cayman Islands Ministers Association attend meetings of the Cayman Islands Recovery Operation (CIRO) and pastors have had their phone numbers published in the CaymanSpirit – making themselves accessible to anyone who wants to talk.
Funds Help Rebuild Cayman
The housing assistance funds have begun the work necessary to help people in our community rebuild and repair.
Good Samaritans
Good Samaritans continue to live up to their name, this time in the form of “Samaritan’s Purse,” a North Carolina relief organization that is helping regional territories, including the Cayman Islands, recover from the devastation of Hurricane Ivan. The organization, headed by Mr. Franklyn Graham, is assisting in Haiti, Grenada and Jamaica, as well.
Housing Report Defines Needs and Solutions
The report from the Housing Subgroup of the Cayman Islands Recovery Operation (CIRO) says there is a current need for about 600 housing units.
How To Terminate or Suspend Vehicles
quick reference guide on how to terminate or suspend a vehicle damaged during Hurricane Ivan
Ivan: A Volunteer’s Experience
For those who have long believed that volunteering is an essential part of who they are, a test of their dedication surely came along with category five Hurricane Ivan.
Join the Beautification Drive
Hurricane Ivan may be over, but its memory lingers on.
Landlord/Tenant Issues
There’s no doubt that Hurricane Ivan stirred up plenty of trouble.
National Trust Restores Tourism & Historical Sites
With the return of cruise ships to Grand Cayman, the focus on clearing up key tourism routes remains crucial to the recovery process. The National Trust is doing its part by concentrating on restoring their major tourism and historical sites, aiming to quickly have them up and running.
Postal Plea for Pleasantry
Ivan did not spare the postal department, causing particularly severe damage to the Seven Mile Beach (SMB) Post Office. SMB customers are consequently now required to pick up their mail at the Airport Post Office – and, while sympathising with customers on the inconvenience to them, postal authorities are asking for a little patience while they work at resolving this situation.
Schools Update
Many schools suffered substantial damage during the storm, preventing them from re-opening as promptly as anticipated. As a short-term solution, many schools have been operating as learning centres, helping to provide a sense of structure and continuity for students.
Unclaimed Containers Create Bottleneck
One of the big issues in moving shipments from the port is a backlog of containers that haven’t been cleared or those that have been but have not been returned and authorities are considering strategies that may end up hitting delinquent importers in the pocketbook. Resolving these and other challenges was the focus of much attention at Thursday’s CIRO meeting.
Visitors Get the Green Light
Crews of ten certified signal technicians from Control Specialist Company (CSC), of Florida, arrived Wednesday (10 November), to commence work by weekend on restoring Grand Cayman’s traffic signals. Initial target dateline is the 20 November lifting of travel restrictions and all repair work and optimizations should be completed by the end of December.